How to Get HIred

Top Tips On Getting a Teen Job

How to get hired? It's a vital question for any teenager looking for employment. After the initial teen job search, which included identifying jobs that were beneficial fits for both teenager and employer, the next step should be to focus on actually getting the job.

Most employers, even seasonal ones, are going to request that an application be filled out and will probably also conduct a short interview before making a job offer.

Whether you are a teenager searching for a job, or the parent of one, early and proactive preparation is the key. And the teen job hunter can best be prepared by following the following job tips:

  • Dress neatly/appropriately. A sloppy appearance can indicate to the employer that you are not taking your teen job search seriously...and that you won't take the job seriously either.
  • Be prepared with vital information. The application may ask for a social security or driver's license number. You may also be asked for several references. Be ready with this information - even if you have to take it in a folder or notebook with you. It is important that the application be filled out completely and neatly.
  • Get approval from references before using their names. As a student, your references are likely to be teachers or counselors from school, coaches or friends' parents. Even if you think that they would gladly be a reference, you need to ask them first. Most people are more than willing to help out in your teen job search. Having them be surprised by a phone call from a prospective employer can set a poor tone for both the reference and the potential employer.
  • Be courteous and sincere. Honestly, you don't know who is taking the application - it could be your new boss! And everyone will be your new co-worker. Don't get started on the wrong foot - or even end your teen job search before it really gets started.
  • Be ready for the interview. Some places are ready to interview applicants as soon as they finish the application. Be ready to talk to the person doing the hiring - and ready to start working soon after that. If you are not ready to work within a day or two after the interview, you should consider whether now is a good time to be applying. Employers need employees who are ready and able to work. Be sure that's you before you start looking.

These job hunting tips for teens will help you along the path to landing a job. But don't forget that it really comes down to the teen: his or her personality, eagerness to work, and great attitude.

Those can make all the difference when it comes to how to get hired.